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The One
![]() wei ting 050189 anderson.sajc.ntu sjab-er loves all wonderful things in life LET'S TALK
my photos (newer) alastair belynda celine charmaine conny daniel dean eileen teo guojie fangyi hero's journey hweepeng janice jiaqing jiaying lihui mychelle.ngui p.shiyun peijun peixuan qien rosalind shiyun sophia szehan tingting venod waiching yongsheng zhenyew zhiheng ndp08 blogskins kenny sia xiaxue Rewind
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
past few days had been superb! (: first up is 林宥嘉迷宫演唱会2009! concert was indeed very great! i love the way yoga depict some of the songs by other singers. like Only You. nice! and his english pronounciation is rather good! *claps. he's also very cute! omg during his encores i totally love his hair and his attire!! :D i wouldn't mind going his concert again, but please sing 伯乐! his fanclub sang by themselves in the stadium after they tried to get him out to sing but failed. i guess it's because of the crowd's reaction. quite a number started moving off around 2nd encore lor!!! kiasu leh! then the next day is interview as a tuition coordinator in a tuition agency. got through! then i went down to hq for zone meeting, followed by ncoc debrief. lots of surprises on that day! hahahaha. i do find it a good way to delegate out the projects in the zone to prevent the same bunch of people kept tio-ing the chairman position. not bad! ![]() it was actually a good experience, because you get to meet the delegates from all over the world (Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Johanniter in Germany, Canada, Fiji, South Africa and of course the HQ, England) and the secretariat from the Order itself. moreover you can sit in their conference, listening to how they run SJ in their home country, the issues for youths or fund-raising. too bad i missed out on the conference on Monday as i went back to anderson. the main helpers were me char eileen, valerie and peixuan from z1, shiwei and kangwee from z9, william and yuanzheng from z8 and weiqiang from z10. (the photo above is us 5 girls plus shiwei and kangwee) and of course the paid staff like sunny teo, koh seng kim, tay and bernard! funny people to hang around with! stayed overnight on monday and we (me char eileen val px william yz wq tay) went to the poolside to chat and eat snacks until 3am! lol. one thing about the hotel is that it's blaady cold! omg. first night's dinner was at one degree 15, which is owned by z2's zone commissioner Andrew Tay's brother! OMG. we registered our names with their cousin who is in HR to work there! hahaa. there were some cambodian singers with the girl who was in sa too! (go see the photo albums) and this super pretty girl. (: the food was not bad. i love the salmon! hoho. and drank some white wine. heeeeee. and i found this set of tables and chairs half immensed in the pool! good way to cool down while makaning during the hotter months. :D (see above) ![]() ![]() not to mention this cute toddler who is the daughter of one of the johanniter delegates. we girls all had a round of holding her to take photo! super cute ok! her smile is love! haha. but too bad she dun understand english and the only german i know is guten morgan (taught by zhongli). LOL. reached home at 11plus that night and i only slept at 3am as i were doing some stuff and talking to ppl online. ytd spent the whole day at home as i sort out tutors for the customers that i've taken up, as well as the testimonials that i'm asking some people to write for me. now i dun even have the time to play games! ): but i slacked in the morning watching mtv. hahaa. and found a band called Hey Monday. not bad! :D on another note, i've got this internship as productions assistant. gonna be long hours ahead but i believe the experience would worth it. but that means i would hafta sacrifice more time of my tuition coordinator work. ): march and june will be a VERY BUSY month! :x Wednesday, February 18, 2009
what i'm doing these days:
Thursday, February 12, 2009
圆满结束啦! btw yesterday night i was chatting with guojie about sj (the pumping demo which yongxiang did with the sec1s. we do pumping and pt to keep fit. not to fight or bully people, but fit enough to do first aid. something like that. super classic ok!) and he said that we old liao. LOL. which is true. yesterday during gm i wore the agi02 goh tee (which miaozhen the joker asked about it) and i realised that i was sec1 in 02, which makes me SEVEN years older than the newbies! omg. Wednesday, February 11, 2009
i've kinda reaped the bad karma of sleeping too late everyday. why did they called me again? if not for the bloody call, i wouldn't have done such crazy things online at 3am in tuesday morning, and then getting another call at 1040am the same day, which got me to go down to one tannery on the same day 4 hours later, and then eventually at 6pm plus i've received the final call that sealed my fate. actually after hearing the details today i felt the impulse to just return them everything and go away, because it totally conflicted with so many things that i have on hand now! like the monday comp trainings (which i think wouldn't be that affected), the foodie trip + bernice's farewell on saturday (i think i wouldn't be able to make it. SIGH), the concert next friday (i'll be based in alexandra! holy cow), the ncoc debrief next saturday, the driving revision lesson on 9mar and test on 10mar, and the possible hpy/bwc or whosoever outings! i want to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button! ): but like what shiyun says, it's hard to find a job, considering there are heaps of jc3 ppl who are looking for jobs before the uni admission in march. but you hafta consider that a good 20-30% are serving the nation, 5-10% just slacking at home, and 90% out of the remaining probably found temporary desk bound jobs through agencies. ah crap. i shall just blame myself for applying for that darn job. and we shall see the results of the negotiating session i'll be having with my manager tomorrow. i might sound obstinate and stuff, considering that the economy is bad and my finances are dwindling (now i plan my bus/mrt trips ahead such that i would take the cheapest way, even if that means walking under the hot sun), but like what shiyun says (again), i should opt for something that i really like, and (i personally think) that i should plan my life the way i want it, and do a job that i'm comfortable and fits in my life well. i don't want to sulk and regret later on, especially when the starting pay ain't that fantastic. i bet the person who interviewed me yesterday regretted picking me when i told him today that school starts around july-august, cuz that's when the probation period ends. just now when i wanted to buy chocolate ice-blended milk tea, the auntie gave me just milk tea instead. SIGH. 2009 certainly looks set to be a bad year for me. Tuesday, February 10, 2009
i seriously, seriously, seriously need to adjust my sleeping habits. such as not playing with psp before i sleep, or read a book that is going to be due for return in a few days to the library (because i still have a dozen of other books to start reading), or decided to do some soul searching when i'm starting to feel tired. bad bad. Friday, February 06, 2009
"People think that a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it." Richard. (from Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love) Thursday, February 05, 2009
![]() ![]() it was until today when i watched another ep again that i realised why the Gosselins have 8 kids. they've got twins and sextuplets. 6 babies at one go! that's amazing. to think that they had infertility problems before that! good thing that they had gone through medical treatment, and that they refused to go through 'selective reduction', as seen in Wikipedia, which i guess it meant taking out embryos selectively such that there's only a small number left, such that the mum can take it during her 9 months of pregnancy. i admire their courage, especially the mum. imagine 6 babies crawling all over the place, or during the period when they just started walking. goodness. i for one cannot take it. after reading the article in Wikipedia, i guess i do understand why Kate has decided to keep all 6 kids. i mean, they had gone through so much (they gave up a chance to adopt a baby when they wanted another child after the twins), and surely it will kill them to do the selective reduction thing. they will practically live in regret every day, thinking what that unborn baby would look like when he/she grows up. applause to the wonderful parents! ![]() today's ep was a really cute and beautiful one, as it features the family having a photoshoot outside in the beautiful scenery (OMG i really love the trees and everything! i believe it's probably in Pennsylvania, since that's where the family lived) i tell you, that photo above is so cute! caught it when they showed the whole series of photos taken. that's alexis and aaden for you, and seriously i think aaden is sooo cute! maybe it's the specs. ha 我们都容易对号入座一首歌 反复让歌词深深呼应着 可能不同 看不看开的执着 可能太痛 有些画面谋合 我们也容易忘记旧歌学新歌 受过伤还是有爱的资格 在每段难得的起承 酝酿我们的转合 唱一首歌 我最懂的心歌 Tuesday, February 03, 2009
for some ABSURD STRANGE reason i just get stuck at number 11's slope easily. i bet my instructor had the I-CANT-BELIEVE-IT expression behind those shades of his when i can do other slopes except for no11. thus i'm going for another lesson before my last lesson on e tp test day! i think it's a bit madness for me to take a lesson on the same day on the test day but well, let's see how it goes tomorrow! slope 11, i promise i'll be a good friend to you ok! i'll hold my clutch properly and try out the method that wai kuan taught me! 有人说 要拼命加入热门人生才幸福 其实能找到爱的另类人生才被羡慕 为最爱的事物 拿真心去付出 那快乐会胜过 获得最贵的礼物 有人说 赢得热门人生才满足 其实有更多美景在最少人去的山谷 为自己而投入 不为了比胜负 我微笑学会了 去未来有很多路 i need more time to adjust myself and stop doing all the things that i'm used to do all these years. |