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The One
![]() wei ting 050189 anderson.sajc.ntu sjab-er loves all wonderful things in life LET'S TALK
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
我喜欢夏天! 虽然还真是有够热的说。 不过我还是喜欢夏天。 因为夏天等于假期的开始,等于抛开一切跑到外头晒太阳。 虽然说我们这里一整年都很有太阳啦。 刚才在等看医生和等拿药的时候看完了《我在墾丁天气晴》,让我恨不得立刻飞去南台湾哟。 或者飞去加勒比岛或什么的。 就是还想离开这里。 纵使这里还是有很多我放不下的人事物。 最近收到了一些信,让我一直幻想着的东西就这样破灭了。 不过我也不会怪任何人,因为我是咎由自取嘛。 没办法,走一步看一步吧。尽我可能做最后的争取。 不是说得不到就是世界末日,只不过要达成我的梦想的道路会更艰巨了。 从昨天开始我就在思考着我未来的路要怎么走。 我是有梦想,但是我不知道我该从哪里开始着手。 前方还是铺着算是蛮浓的雾,摸不着也猜不透。 但至少短时间内我大概还知道我要做什么。 过了下个星期,我应该会再去找份工作。 不过这次我要找一份我爱做的工作。 之前做的文书工作薪水的确不错,同事也很友善, 但那不是我想要的。 我在几天前从一个朋友听来了一个挺不错的工作, 是我喜欢的性质,但如果真的想去做一定会有一些障碍的。 一直想去找东西做,因为从英国回来后就一直蹲在家里吃饱没事干。 朋友都羡慕我不用上班,但我体内那不安分的因子却一直在蠢蠢欲动着。 我连用电脑都用到闷得发慌了。都不想上线了耶。 结果嘞,我就不偏不倚在这个时候生病了,害我想不待在家都不行。 不会挺严重,只不过昨天有点小发烧,我一直咳到我都不耐烦了,现在又有点感冒。 然后我还喝着冷饮吃些零食,我还真是找死。哈哈。 有时我还真有点受不了我自己,干嘛这么乐观。 对什么事情都是一样。忧郁一阵子后就把它抛到脑后。 是白痴才会做的事情吧。嘿。 就像现在我正在无视着一些莫名其妙的情绪。 明明已经整理出一些结果了,我却还是因为某种因素而被拉回去。 正所谓,庸人自扰。 也切忌擅自对号入座。 看不懂我以上的文字没关系, 就当做是一个生病又倒霉的人的自言自语吧。哈。 在写完这一篇之前,我想写下我刚才看书的时候看到的一个句子。 是我很喜欢的格言之一,应该也可以算是我的生存之道吧。 宁可后悔做过的事,也不要后悔没做过! 咱们共勉之。 p.s. celine i've put the black&white photo in the previous entry. (: Monday, May 26, 2008
last week was quite crazy with jetlags, singapore asian satellite badminton championships pd for three consecutive days (with friday ending at 11.30 and a person who nagged nonstop) and ndp training on a blazing hot saturday. but at least there was great moments like catching up with agi comm (not all though), seeing ahchan/ahwong/my m'sian and thai guys during the pd, meeting up with the juniors/hweepeng and meeting a senior who didn't know my presence until thursday. gonna be a slack week ahead as i nua at home with no intention to work, since next week i would be helping out in a camp, having 2 practical driving lessons and otc camp. gonna read up the books from the authors that i've taken note of when i was in london and probably brush up my baking skills. (: on another note nus is really driving me nuts. it's going to be 30may this friday and there's no mail yet! ): give me what i want alright? i hope that everything would end with my reply and we shall move on. but if you still want to make your piece known, i'm fine with it. but i reckon i wouldn't make any more reponses because there wouldn't be anything more that i want to say and it would be a vicious cycle if i reply to everything that you've written. edited: okay i'm feeling quite sian now (and hp said that i sounded sian), considering i re-read some of the old entries (first half of 2007 is dreadful to read) and went for some blog-hopping. and the incessant listening of archie (archuleta) and cook's songs on replay! faves are Think of Me (i heart the live version!), With You, Angels, Apologize (e arrangement with One Republic is marvellous) Dream Big and I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (i love the orchestra arrangement in the studio version). and i ate alot! in the afternoon i ate plenty of chips but there's the short run arnd the neighbourhood. then the truffles and dumplings! goodness. hahaa. tomorrow gonna bike! and see if can pre-order 萧敬腾's album in singapore. totally unenthusiastic when the rest asked if i wanna pre-order from taiwan. lazy la. my finances is dwindling after last week (e 2 practical driving lessons cost me 140bucks) and there's still GSS. so many shoppings to do! okay i think i'll go read after i finish some of the chats. ho. Monday, May 19, 2008
supposed to be l'angleterre (england) but heck. :D anyways. I'M BACK!!! maybe 2weeks might be sufficient to cover the entire london, but this trip ain't that sufficient for me, considering i spent 6days away in edinburgh and lake district. but i've covered a fair bit of what i've wanted to see. there's simply far too much photos for me to upload one by one here, so i'm using 2 collages with 1 for london and the other one for edinburgh/lake district. london: edinburgh/lakedistrict: there's 3 things that i've noticed that's similar in the 3 places: 1. they are courteous and friendly! they simply just offer the seats when you are in more need and they greet people readily! (more for lakedistrict actually) 2. they love to jog/cycle. i've even seen a man in sharp suit cycling after work! saves the earth too. 3. they love to lie on the grasses and bask in the warm sunshine whenever they can. the monday when me and janice arrived was a bank holiday and we saw plenty of people in hyde park. sometimes the males would just take off their tops and walk around to feel the sunshine. during lunchhour on a working day we also saw some people lying on the grass near the tower gateway. same thing in edinburgh. my aunt remarked that their grasses are clean (there's bins specifically for dog poo) out of the 3 places, my favourite place is edinburgh because it is not as commercialised as london but at least more commercialised than lakedistrict (there's fcuk in edinburgh). and i love the edinburgh castle which is so readily in view at the New Town, unlike the castles/palaces in london. the medieval feel in Old Town is cool too. so the biggest problem would probably be the weather. we were at calton hill for 2hours waiting for sunset and me&janice got so coldddd. (nightfall is like 9plus. o.O) we stayed in a guesthouse called Castle View which our room has a goodview of the edinburgh castle. great description. ha. and their scottish breakfast is not bad! on our second day in edinburgh, we met up with janice's friend weelong and his fellow travelling partner (army friend i think) jeffery for dinner. after dinner we took off with the guys for the ghost tour. 信豪 (my baby cousin) cried after we went separate ways. ): then at windermere (e area we stayed in lakedistrict) we took a fullday tour and there's this japanese lady who travelled by herself! she's soooo my idol cann. and yeah the lakedistrict is beauteeeful. the guesthouse that we stayed in (Kays Cottage) is cosy too! love the smoked salmon with egg on muffin! wanted to go to Hill Top to see beatrix potter's house (she's the author of peter rabbit, and i didn't know she's the author anyway. lol) on the day we arrived but it's closed on fridays (how zhun) so we walked around. and got some stuff. like a new pringles flavour chips! :D and vintage woodstock! me janice and the baby boy stayed in the room while my aunt and uncle went to shop around a home appliance mart. the thing about the shops in england is that they generally close pretty early, say on average about 8pm. goodness. and in edinburgh some of the shops just let their tvs and display lights on! such a waste of electricity! ): covered the sightseeing part for the earlier part of second week (most of the first week is spent away from london). went to hampton court, arsenal and chelsea stadiums, tower of london, museums, greenwich, stjohn gate and badenpowell house. covered pretty much of the tudor history! :D and i finally stepped into the megamarts of london, namely tesco, sainsbury's and waitrose. i love the fact that they display their booze openly! and in such a variety! oooohh. me hearts it mann! after covering the main sightseeing places, went shopping! there's actually shops in london which are quite cheap! like H&M and Primark. e latter is so crowded with people that there's actually security guards walking around. and in the bags that they use to carry things that they want to buy, the majority of them had more than half of the bags filled! (me and janice only like used 0.1) went to harrods where they sold real exquisite stuff (my aunt reckons should at least go one round and see what's inside). too bad espirit dun have the item that i want, and gap and topshop's prices are about the same as singapore. but dorothy perkins have sale when we decided to walk to the west of oxford circus. (we went east the day before and walked till regent street) the jeans there is like 15pounds (about sgd$45) and there's a 20% off! (ie abt sgd$36) and there's also 2 for 25pounds. OMG cann. then they also served drinks (alcoholic and non-alcholic), has a live dj and gives away goodie bags (provided you donate 2.5pounds)! :DDD then on the last day in london we went to bayswater to have a lunch at a chinese restaurant which serves great roast duck! it's soooooooo delicious i tell you! go check it out when you go london! then we walked around a shopping centre nearby where i bought a book about spirits (alcohol) and my baby cousin had a facepaint makeover and became spiderman! he still had that face on when we went to airport. haha. somehow watched more tv when i was in london. like in the morning before we go out we would watch CBeeBies with the baby boy and now i can still remember some of the songs they sing in different shows. like Big Cook Small Cook, Balamory, and the springtime song. goodness. :D then watched CSI and Law&Order at night. and last thursday watched American Idol top3. and i got reminded of how david archuleta caught my eye when the new paper carried a story in headlines of the showbiz section about how season7 has the most number of goodlooking guys (4 to be exact) and he got the most mention. about how he sings well and look so cute. i'm quite biased towards him when i watched the show. like i really loved his rendition of Longer (but he should change his shirt) and how i prefered his attire for And So It Goes and the result show. LOL. but david cook is not bad too. his renditions of Dare You To Move and I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing are great! rocker mans. hah. today went to listen to all the songs that archuleta sang during the season and he sang Think Of Me! i watched Phantom of the Opera movie on the first day i reached london and i love this song!!! omg. along with Angels, Heaven (either 2nd or 3rd auditions) and When You Believe! sounds like i'm a total fan of him when i've only watched the Top 3 episode. LOL. the return flight was faster, but i can't sleep that well (this time i sat in the middle while e last time i sat by the window). watched 27 Dresses and about half of Jumper. dun really understand who are the actual villains (i reckon hayden christensen is the hero) because both sides sound evil. ha. and played lots of solitaire. singapore was soooo much hotter than london and i miss london's cool (sometimes cold) weather. SIGH. met up with hweepeng and qingjun for dinner (i didnt eat cuz i had breakfast at 3pm local time) and i drank bubbletea! :D gossiped again. hurhur. and i got jetlag! i thought by staying out late i would sleep soundly by the time it's midnight but no! i woke up at 2am and i cant sleep after that. so i went online and chatted with people until 3plus. then i unpacked my stuff kinda in the dark (but got light from the opposite flat). then i tidied up my wardrobe and i finally went to sleep at 8am (actually i planned not to sleep) and woke up at 1pm. this trip is a really fruitful one because i've learned about european royal history and realising i do like it quite much. and the culture that i've witnessed so much in the 2weeks. i do want to go back to europe and explore the continent as much as i can. so i really do want to get into FASS! then i think i've also thought things through. i reckon it's only there when the factors are there. Travel is a means to an end. Sunday, May 04, 2008
gosh. less than 21hours before my plane takes off! sooooooo excited. :DD and i plan not to sleep tonight (or sleep as little as possible) so that i'll be damn tired when i'm on e plane and i will sleep e 14hours away. heh. went to borrow books to read on e plane and in london before meeting up with shiyun dean at harbourfront mrt station and then congshun at vivo. then shiyun left us before we went ahead to get the tickets for Ironman. (dun ask me why we chose to watch at vivo when we live arnd north area. HUR) went to buy some korean snacks cuz dean wanted to try them. bought the 辣炒年糕 cuz i've been wanting to try it. not bad actually. heh. then zhikai came over and we went to candy empire while he bought some snacks too. bought sour gobstoppers bottled skittles and a egg-shaped container with some candies inside for my cousin in london. so spendthrift. :D then got to 2nd floor and waited for limei. chatted abit with her and e guy who is with her (shld be her bf). congshun kept offering the guy his big bar of cadbury mint choc. siao la. he finished the entire bar cann (e type you buy home and cut into smaller pieces to eat de) and ate a swiss roll from toastbox and a bowl of 辣炒年糕(he's gushing about super junior as he ate it. LOL) and he's still hungry. so we 打包-ed a carl's jr set meal (with the fries changed to beef chilli fries which i've only ate abit during the movie) and onion rings and another cup of drinks for the movie after we went to pageone to waste e time away. the movie is great and i kept laughing and darting my eyes away from the screen sometimes. enjoyed it even though the experience aint that good, considering we sat 2nd row from the front. and shiyun we didnt catch the credits! =P headed for home after that and thanks to dean! who escorted me home cuz it's like 12am when e train reached khatib. it was great hanging out with the guys, though congshun never cease to suan me and ended up kena whacked/tickled by me. so many years liao still havent learn his lesson yet. HUR. just a reminder. if you want to contact me, email me instead of messaging me or calling me, cuz i'll be leaving my phone at home (no auto-roaming anyway). hopefully e unis dun need me for any interviews. =x okay i'm yawning like mad and like nobody to chat with me online. maybe it's time for me to sleep already. goodnights then. (: edited: had abit on-off chat with hweepeng both online and offline (sms). e last time i went online at 4am plus she is finally going to sleep. and i'm still awake. HA. went to read my secondary school diaries (not that i have alot, considering e bulk of my sec2-4 memories were all on diary-x which crashed 2years ago) until like 6plus when i finally went to sleep. woke up once at 8.25 before got hauled up at 9plus. they say is because i can sleep for all i want in the plane. they didnt know what i went through at night manns. haha. 12hours more! omg. and i got craving for fries. :D 1122hrs Friday, May 02, 2008
introducing my new friend: 蛛蛛人! (air-flown from 深圳 and it was delivered to there from taiwan. courtesy of mobe! loves. :D) k-ed for like 4hours from 12-4, singing songs of different genres such as super high songs (恋爱-ing, 为你写诗, 第一天) to emo songs (浪人情歌, 新不了情) and also funny songs (大肚腩, 榕树下). ck sang We Are Family! hurrrrrr. but hell, i nearly freeze my ass off in that cabin and i was wearing a jacket okay. goodness. and e waiter kept forgetting our drinks! hmphhh. then i went to City Hall because i want to find Long Vacation vcd (or dvd). just have the sudden urge to watch that 1996 jap classic again (but i dun want to watch on comp) after listening to some of the songs. went to search pohkim ts but dun have and so i decided to try my luck at HMV. fruitless find and so next time i shall drop by hmv heeren. after that wandered around marina square cuz i'm looking for anything that i would need for the london trip. was discussing about e different types of gatsby moving rubber with ronney and i think i might be buying the grey type. me wanna style my hair! in office i'm like always bek cek with my lumpy hair at the top. (e hairstylist told me that because it's like lumpy at the top because i've opted to get it short. .____.) and i find Escada's Moonsparkle perfume uber nice! reminds me of the shower foam that i use after my kayaking sessions. ooohhhhh. then met up with hweepeng after she's done singing with some of her beloved november peeps at marina kbox. i tell you yangqing is really pretty with her hair down!!! go hweepeng's blog to see e peektures okay. oh i bought a bossa nova cd from Ears - the used cd depot cuz they played the cd when i was scouring through the cds for Long Vacation ost and the songs are beauteeful. :D walked with the rest of the november people to the mrt station (me and hp going raffles city to eat B&J!) and chatted with them along the way. yangqing said that they are having tests soon and i'm like we dun have tests for the first half of jc1 eh. or that i dun remember. hurhur. then also talked abit about a div soccer with koocheehoe. we are trying to determine whether vj or sa soccer is better. though sa got 4th and vj got 3rd for last year's guys soccer, but sa got CHAMPION for girls soccer okay. hmphh. (and sa guys got this match against acs (intl) with the score of 13-0!) sat at a sofa at b&j's and chatted. then hp showed me how big the marina kbox vip room is!!! super OMG cann. that's such a great place for instructors gathering! can jump and run around the place while singing the super high songs and can camwhore!!! :DDDD after ytd i found a new shopping mate: HWEEPENG!! hurhur. i'm sooooooo looking forward to GSS cuz i've found two people to go shopping with and there's also my cousins whom i'm going to drag over to town since they practically live in town! and my beloved pj cel yy fy! :DDDD i spent damn alot of money ytd cann. bought a bottom impulsively, bought a cd impulsively, k-ed, and splurged on b&j! then tmr i'm going to town for the sake of the library. hahaha. me love national library to bits. and hor, i'm seriously, seriously contemplating if i should go over to fish&co to work even though e pay is like 5.50per hour, which was $1.50 diff from my 7perhour pay at btmu. but rah. shall think about it only when i come back from london. and after the aviva pd perhaps, since i was told that there would be allowance (20bucks) when i go do e pd. ha. and nus is still processing my application!!! gawd. when charissa told me that she got the acceptance letter from fass on wednesday night and told me can check online whether i've got in or not (but i havent receive mail yet) i totally PANICKED! and turned out that my application is still being processed. i'm SO SO SO SO worried that they might call me for interview when i'm away. kinda whined to some people that night. haaaaa. okay i'm so drunk with excitement about flying to london that i'm talking some twit language here and doing sooo many nonsensical stuff. like taking photos of my 蛛蛛人. but it's cute okay and i'm sharing those photos with my beloved 萧帮人 at the justjam forum. (((: 就这样吧 就这样吧 edited: me love spending quality time biking around yishun (i'll progress to sembawang or amk when i have the time!) and soaking up the sun at lower seletar reservoir! (: today's weather is extremely beauuuteeeeeful even though weather reports say that there's going to be rain at the north area. the sun is extremely wonderrrful when i started out my ride, though it was quite hot. but the soak in the water and having a mini suntanning session made that factor seem alright. i totally miss soaking my feet in the cool cool waters when i go for kayaking sessions. and suddenly water ventures being closed on weekdays were alright because nobody will chase me away from the planks. hee. shall go do that again when i come back from london. and maybe i will go sign up for 3star. (: 1609hrs |