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The One
![]() wei ting 050189 anderson.sajc.ntu sjab-er loves all wonderful things in life LET'S TALK
my photos (newer) alastair belynda celine charmaine conny daniel dean eileen teo guojie fangyi hero's journey hweepeng janice jiaqing jiaying lihui mychelle.ngui p.shiyun peijun peixuan qien rosalind shiyun sophia szehan tingting venod waiching yongsheng zhenyew zhiheng ndp08 blogskins kenny sia xiaxue Rewind
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Friday, August 31, 2007
五月天 - 最重要的小事 我 走过动荡日子 追过梦的放肆 穿过多少生死 却 假装若无其事 穿过半个城市 只想看你样子 这一刻 最重要的事 是属于你 最小的事 世界纷纷扰扰 喧喧闹闹 什么是真实 为你跌跌撞撞 傻傻笑笑 买一杯果汁 就算庸庸碌碌 匆匆忙忙 活过一辈子 也要分分秒秒 年年日日 全心守护你 最小的事 我 就算壮烈前世 征服滚滚乱世 万人为我写诗 而 幸福就是此时 静静帮你提着 哈罗凯蒂袋子 你笑得像个孩子 每个平凡小事 变成永恒故事 今天傍晚的天空很蓝 云很白 徐徐的风 吹在脸上很舒服 让人有种身在国外的错觉 第一次出门没有带手机 即使看到了这么美丽的风景 也没有遗憾没带手机好拍下那个镜头 毕竟有些风景 是不需要拍照留念也会记得的 也就是这些小事 才让生命格外的动人 我很容易感动 很容易被故事情节牵动情绪 然后忧郁一整天 像是刚才 因为看了NANA 而搞得情绪有点不稳定 漫画里的无奈深深的影响了我 我这才发现 生命不过于如此 爱情也不过于如此 我呢 就像漫画里的奈奈 很容易喜欢上一个人 然后搞得一团糟 即使受了伤 还是继续的往前看 但我跟奈奈有点不同 就是我还是那么的不懂事 我虽然看起来很吵 很容易跟人说话 但我却发现 旁边的那一长串的部落格地址 有多少个人能真的算是我的朋友呢 少之又少吧 所以呢 我是矛盾的 想要在人群中 却又想要孤独 很奇怪对吧 不过呢 我不是悲观的人 遇见令人难过的事 通常睡了一晚后就会把昨夜的不愉快抛到脑后 以快乐的心情迎接新的一天 可是 我有个死脑筋 就是会往死胡同里钻 搞得自己遍体鳞伤 也弄得身边的人心力交瘁 搞不懂我到底想干嘛 有些话我说不出口 所以在此我想向这些人道谢 感谢他们一直陪伴在我的身旁 忍受我的任性和胡里取闹 我不是在忧郁 只是在抒发一些今天从NANA漫画中所得到的一些启示罢了 自己的人生必须由自己决定 我现在仍然这么认为 然而 并不是每个人都可以如此坚强 只有在得到认同的时候 人才能够变得更温柔 (NANA) 我祝 所有我在乎的人 今晚有一夜美梦 晚安 Thursday, August 30, 2007
Breaking rules we always would Doing things we never should We were so bad but it felt so good Do you remember I think you remember I wonder where you are tonight But I know that you'll be alright 'Cause I see our star shining bright. It's so beautiful, it will never fall Where did you go First, identify yourself as right or left brainperson: 1. Hold your hands together, as if you were praying. Look at your hands. Left thumb is below the right thumb: left brain Right thumb is below the left thumb: right brain 2. Fold your arms in front of you as if you are angry. Look at your hands. Right arm above left arm: left brain Left arm above right arm: right brain Based on 1 and 2 (order important), below is the interpretation of your personality: Right-Left: Considerate, traditional, indirect type. Can instinctly read other's emotion and respond friendly by natures. Although not very into taking intiatives in moving forward, this person will always take a step back in supporting others. Stable personality and considerate, gives others a 'being protected' feeling. But their weakness is they cannot say no. Regardless how unwilling they are, they will still take care of others. Right-Right: Straightfoward. Once decided on something, they will take action right away. Very curious and love challenges. Dare to face dangers without thinking through (sometimes foolishly). Their weakness is they don't listen to others. They will filter in only what they want to hear in a conversation and very subjective. However, because of their straightforward attitude, they tend to be fairly popular. Left-Left: Dedicated, cold, perfectionist. Very logical in all aspects. The only way to defeat(or win over) him/her is through reasons. Has a lot of pride and feels strongly about doing the right thing. If they are your friends, they are very trustworthy. However, if they are your opponets, they will be very tough to deal with. Because they can be very "anal" as a perfectionist, they usually leave a bad impression of being hard to deal with when first met. Left-Right: Likes to take care of others, the leader type. Has a cool and keen observation ability to see through situations, yet still can be considerate in others needs. Because of their cool, calm nature and strong sense of responsibility, they tend to become head of a group. Popular among people. However, they may not be able to help themselves in meddling because they want to take care of others too much. Very concerned about how others view them, and always on alert. ![]() go watch! Saturday, August 25, 2007
是泪滴 结束每段感情 要时间忘记 想忘记 其实埋藏在心里 雨滴 结束每个冬季 晒不干过去 就面对你 喜怒哀乐的回忆 听天空晴朗 开始好天气 别再忧郁 让心情也天晴 失恋的人就换季 脱下过期爱情 突醒的眼里 看见发亮的自己 哦 多美丽 受伤的人就换季 春夏秋冬轮替 总有你的美景 等待下一季 下一次天晴 Friday, August 17, 2007
when you have nothing better to do. :D actually i'm supposed to attend a chem remedial lecture from 3.30-5pm, but it's cancelled cuz of staff meeting. then last night i just had this thought to queue for the donuts at Donut Factory. i guess i really got nothing better to do eh. school ended at 1.30 and i reached Raffles City at around 2.32pm. left the place close to 5pm. so here's a word of caution. DON'T QUEUE AT RAFFLES CITY DONUT FACTORY! should have taken the time to go over to Suntec and i would probably would have gotten my donuts earlier. anyway, i wasted around 30-40mins waiting for the Coffee Roasted Almond donut (bottom, 2nd from left). i don't understand why wouldn't they make more of that donut when they kept making donuts like Double Chocolate, White Strawberry when it's obviously enough? anyway. if i didn't go queue for the donuts, i might have gone to Hougang and try my luck again at donating blood. i got rejected for the THIRD time when sa had another blood donation drive on wednesday. and it's low iron level again. ZZZ! i received a msg that there's another blood donation drive tomorrow at Orchid Country Club, maybe i'll go. hahha! 手足 today last episode!!! 10 more days! =x Sunday, August 12, 2007
didn't use flash cuz the camera was quite close to her (i was carrying her when i took the 2nd and 3rd photo), so i guess i'm really dark as compared to her fairness. haha! but i still got this HUGE desire to paddle. wanna try the slalom! fret not kiddo, i still love you all the same even though you're getting heavier despite not looking like a seven-year-old and had sunk your claws into the back of my left hand as a sign of your violence last night. (: you know you're getting older when there is an increasing number of kids in your family whose individual ages are at least half of yours. p.s. I WANNNA EAT THE DONUTS FROM DONUT FACTORY! sighs. Friday, August 10, 2007
被点名与点名点名规则: A、被点到名字的要在自己的空间里写下自己的答案,然后去掉一个你最不喜欢的问题再加上一个你的问题,仍然组成20个问题,传给其他8个人,列出其他8个 需要回答问题的人的名字,还要到这8个人的空间留言通知对方:你被点名了。被点名者不得拒绝回答问题,完成游戏的人将会永远得到大家的祝福。 B、这8个人要在自己的空间里注明是从哪里接到的,并且再传给其他8个人,让游戏继续下去,不得回传。被点到名字的人将会得到大家的祝福,并且所有美好的 愿望都会在不久的将来实现。 点我的人 : peirou 问题: 1、你认为分手后的男女还能做普通朋友吗? just friends yes. i'm a good example. but good friends no. 2、你认为人一生最爱的人有几个?哪几个? family, friends and THE ONE. 3、你最希望从朋友那里得到的是什么(不包括爱人)? comfort, happiness, trust, company. 4、最近最郁闷的事? PRELIMS. 5、 最想去哪个地方?为什么? TAIWAN! i love the culture. 6、最受不了自己哪个缺点? indecisiveness 7、友情亲情爱情哪个更重要? kinship. cuz it's your family who will stay with you despite all odds. 8、最近最快乐的事情是什么? seeing my BRANDED GOOD. :D 9、你相信一见钟情吗? i believe there's such a thing, but i dun believe that it will happen on me. 10、遇到喜欢的人,你是勇敢表白还是默默关注? mmmm. i used to be the one who profess first, but now i'll take a backseat and wait. cuz i want the other party to be sure first before i take the plunge. 11、 说出点你名的人的3个优点(不可删除题) mm. 1. clever 2. outspoken. 3. trustworthy 12、理想的BF/GF是什么样的? (with reference to the ideal bf example in my class. or my list of ideal bf requirement. haha) 1. good-looking (or at least 耐看for a long time. :D) 2. smart. 3. responsible. 4. understanding/sensitive/caring. 5. natural. 6. fun-loving. 7. plays an instrument eg. PIANO 13、被人误解了你会怎么做? try to explain. if not just walk away. what to do if they choose not to believe you? the truth will eventually be brought into the light. 14、梦想中自己会有怎么样的未来? flying to all the countries that i wanna visit with e man i love/my buddies. and successful. marriage is optional, but i would like to have a couple of kids. 15、爱人和被爱哪一种更幸福? being loved. loving a person can be fulfilling, but it can be very hurting when the person doesn't reciprocrate your feelings. 16、目前的计划是什么? get better results for prelims. and then a's. 17、你现在最想要什么? 4As for Alvl. 18、如果你最信任的人背叛了你,你会怎么做? walk away. if there's an explanation, i'll try to listen. 19、当真相会伤害你爱的人的时候,你会选择说出真相让对方承受痛苦,还是说一个善意的谎言自己默默承担? depends on the situation. 20、迄今为止看的最好看的片子 。。。 can't pick a most favourite. tagged: i'm lazy to tag at their tagboards to tell them to do this. so ZILCH. * my pure maths is really horrendous. 17 more days. 莫名的难过是情绪作祟 Thursday, August 09, 2007
Tanya Chua - Where I Belong Morning comes around and I Can't wait to see my sunny island In its glorious greenery, whether rain or shine It's still beautiful Bright lights shine on the streets at night Guiding me closer to home To a place where I'll be safe and warm Where I belong Friends and families by my side Seeing me through as I grow and learn Everyday's experience, bittersweet or sour They're still wonderful As they become precious memories They'll be kept close to my heart And no matter where I am I will always know Where I belong Chorus: Where I belong Where I keep my heart and soul Where dreams come true for us Where we walk together hand in hand Towards a future so bright Where I belong Where I keep my heart and soul Where we're one big family I want the whole world to know I want to shout it out loud That this is where I know I belong * HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! this is one of my most favourite NDP song. (: Will You? sounded more lik Pet Shop Boys' Go West. quite catchy but not that attractive as the songs in the past. hopefully next year's NDP song will be nicer, cuz i'll probably be singing at the parade ground! :D 4 years had gone by just like that since i had joined the marching contingent for SJAB in 2002. lots of fond memories mann! i still have the white square umbrella which we had used as a prop during the parade segment and the small torch can still shine brightly! :D can't wait to go for next year's NDP cuz it's going to be Zone3 and Zone4's turn! but i'll probably only be taking care of the cadets. and i'm probably joining OTC next year as instructor. so the weekends will be damn burned out! goodness. yesterday lunched with fangyi jiaqing szehan at suntec subway. me and jq were tempted to queue for the donuts at Donut Factory while waiting for szehan and fangyi but the queue is LONGGG (but not as long as the queue in Raffles City). when we went there again at night (me jq fangyi), we were tempted again but got turned off by the long queue (jq need to go home for dinner) and me n fy dun wanna eat much. ha. but i wanna try the Peanut Dark Chocolate donut! *drools. one fine day when i got nothing to do, i might just go down to either one of the outlets and queue! then can shun bian study. lol. after lunching, guojie came along and we went KBox-ing cuz Eng Wah at Suntec and GV at Marina Square dun have 不能说的秘密 and the cheap karaoke at Katong Complex is fully booked. *sulks. szehan left cuz he need to do some babysitting. so we started singing loads of songs and got up on the sofas as we sang, especially fangyi and jiaqing. and we had 2refills of the snacks. i like the round round one! kinda spicy and kinda sweet. but the drinks are not enough. :( and then the manager told us that outside drinks are not allowed (i took out my Heaven & Earth waterbottle cuz havent get our second jug of lemon tea). UHHHHHHHHHHH. next time dun want to patronize KBox le la. and yy we'll have chance to K de okay? go taiwan and K. hehe. towards the end guojie left to join BWC for dinner at Dhoby Ghaut (they watched 不能说的秘密 at The Cathay). then e 3 of us took train back and bitched about our schools. got this guy who kept looking at us as though he's eavesdropping our conversation so i took care we dun leak out our school names cuz it's quite hard to identify our schools with what we are wearing: fangyi's wearing a Air Force tshirt and school skirt, jq a white vjc top (but cannot see clearly that it's VJC unless you saw the motto at the back of the shirt. i think) and vjc pants, me e green saints halo tee (but i think i sorta covered the saints part at the front of the shirt) and school skirt. ha. speaking of Air Force, think it's fangyi (or jq?) who said that i should go join Air Force (when i told them i'm considering joining SAF as one of my future career options) cuz the tests quite easy to pass de, and Air Force is hoping to recruit more females. but i quite scared that i might crash the planes leh. lol! was heading out of Suntec when we saw this Japanese balloon sculpter who can make really nice balloons! he made for a guy a bicycle and helmet! so cute cann! and that guy actually wore the whitebase-greenstraps Brazilian Praia which i like!!!! ahhhhhhh. and he queued at Donut Factory, when we went there earlier on, with his bunch of friends (got two who looked damn GAY). caught sight of one of them who got the same pair of Havaianas trekking flip-flops as me. i didn't know it's such a nice design that he's the 2nd person whom i knew got the same design as me (another one is shaun). good taste. :D now slacking my time away until my younger brother comes home with his friends to do project. and then it's gonna be mugging time. :( 18 more days! arghhhh. i wanna watch 不能说的秘密!! shiyun huihui and my eldest bro said it's nice! but nobody to watch with me. :(((( i think Benjamin's voice sounds a bit like Hong Junyang, and i can't wait to see this week's Campus Superstar videos. Zheng Ning! Marcus! Shawn! Benjamin! but quite sad that Zijie's out. and i found this photo of zhengning and marcus which marcus actually looked handsome! but it's emo and that photo only la. he dun look nice when he smiles with his gums. lol. 一个人我至少干净利落 Friday, August 03, 2007
Moon river, wider than a mile I'm crossing you in style some day Oh, dream maker, you heartbreaker Wherever you're going I'm going your way Two drifters, off to see the world There's such a lot of world to see We're after the same rainbow's end Waiting 'round the bend My huckleberry friend Moon river and me.. another week is coming to a close. OHMANNN! life has been kinda mundane these days with just school, remedials and pre-prelim tests (which might as well be called mock prelims. ohwell) that are haunting us. skipped school on tuesday cuz of headache (was really bad on monday night) and decided to call in sick. and it turned out to be one of the more interesting days with the canoe prize presentation and casey leong's gp emergency lecture (which would definitely be interesting cuz after all, casey leong's probably the most metrosexual male teacher in sa and i wouldn't be surprised that he would be dramatic as most GP teachers are, which he did) then it was the physics mock test paper 3 on wednesday and paper 2 today (which mr sia never told us! or i've never heard about it cuz i wasn't around on tuesday) paper3 seems slightly easier than paper2, probably because i studied slightly more for paper3 than paper2 cuz i was focusing on something else on thursday night. =p went to see doctor again on thursday night cuz of my aching left ear and my mum dug out some dark brownish stuff from my ear using cotton bud. turned out that the eardrum in my left ear is infected. -.- started listening to the old love songs like Rick Price's Heaven Knows and Moon River (watched too much of Split Second on channel U recently) and old japanese songs that i've burned into the cds a few years ago again, like L'Arc~en~Ciel, Two-Mix's songs for Gundam Wing and To Destination's Eden. i think it's probably because i've just completed another round of reading Yami no Matsuei again. now that i'm not borrowing books to read, i've switched to mangas. and i love the songs in their anime okay. but seriously, Yami rocks. if only the author can churn out more volumes instead of going on a hiatus since 2003. i've waited for FIVE YEARS okay! there's so many plots laid untouched in the series, like the pasts of Tsuzuki, Tatsumi, Muraki, Watari and the secret of Hisoka's family being cursed for killing a god, or what's the eventual outcome in GensouKai when Kurikara is probably leaving his desert prison to fight against Seiryu and the other Shikigamis to gain power. GAHH! i feel really unprepared for prelims even though i'm starting to like really comprehend some of the topics cuz of the remedials and with the time that i'm putting in as i try to complete my tutorials on time. (which i think i've started really late. opps) rahhs. tomorrow's finally a saturday when i dun have anything on until evening, and that means i have to do some work. not looking forward to it but i'm glad that i have time to do the work. quite contradicting, which is the feeling that i'm having all these while towards the preparation for prelims and a's. 3months don't seem long, but 3months ain't very short either. ahyes peijun. i remember the HK trip but i dunno who else are interested to go. i would like to go and it would be best if we can drop by taiwan too. (: for some reason i'm just can't help myself but to miss you terribly. |