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Monday, January 08, 2007
Tank - 终极一班 干嘛低头祈祷 我的心情又没不好 不要见我就跑 这样很没礼貌 一踏进这地方 要清楚谁是老大 罩子最好放亮 高校界闻风丧胆 没有趴数等级 不要轻易靠近 如果懒得呼吸 我也只好成全你 虽然考试考不赢 但谁有难一定挺 终极一班一条心 我们有情有义有型 Everybody 准备好 通通都不准跑 等我们弟兄到齐 绝对拍手叫好 Are you ready 手举高 Party time 就是now 我们是终极一班 帅气得不得了 不要逼我爆筋 不要试探我功力 当我发功出拳 你会飞到火星去 不要一概否定 我们的成绩会抄袭 有坏蛋搞不定 终极一班冲第一 虽然考试考不赢 但谁有难一定挺 终极一班一条心 我们有情有义有型 Everybody 准备好 通通都不准跑 等我们弟兄到齐 绝对拍手叫好 Are you ready 手举高 Party time 就是now 我们是终极一班 帅气得不得了 * Tank - 街头霸王 他住在台北县的一个土城市 三年级四年级都是这么皮 没有人相信 他会让人看得起 只想当个孩子王让大家 尊敬 小学五年级 拿到第一把琴 木头质料真的让人觉得烂得可以 不过他不在意 他小心翼翼 他心碎着家里穷没有继续学下去 我 TRY TRY 以后的未来 我期待 那舞台 我 TRY TRY 以后的未来 就算失败 我也会不断重来 经过了小学中学他毕了业 学校所叫的知识跟他告别 回忆学校不是书本而是玩音乐 家人头痛烦恼他是毕业还是失业 他假装听不见只希望他的梦实现 歌写了好几遍就是没人听见 他家人反对 不准他玩音乐 他坚持赌上自己的未来也不后悔 我 TRY TRY 以后的未来 我期待 那舞台 我 TRY TRY 以后的未来 就算失败 我也会不断重来 我准备好站上我的舞台 带着我的霸王剑拿下江山未来 我准备好站上我的舞台 带着我的霸王剑拿下江山未来 我 TRY TRY 以后的未来 我期待 那舞台 我 TRY TRY 以后的未来 就算失败 我也会不断重来 终于 站上这个舞台 我明白 不简单 终于 站上这个舞台 就算失败 我也会不断重来 Friday, January 05, 2007
刚才一口气看完了汪東城从2004年开始写的網誌(这是繁体字) [他今天加了新的文章! =D], 突然间想用中文书写今天的心情. 终于满十八岁了, 不过总觉得自己好像变老了. 虽然说有一些好处, 如: 能够光明正大地去买酒, 能看M18的电影了, 能去学驾车了, 能抽烟了, 但还是有一种很怪异的感觉, 一时之间也说不上是什么. .___. 感谢那些祝贺我的人, 无论是传简讯给我, 或是当面跟我说, 或是在线上跟我说(虽然我怀疑他们是在看到我的匿称才知道的),还有送我的礼物,你们的心意我收到了.(: 今年的生日有点灰,因为在生日前夕发生了一件大件事(对我而言是大件事.请看下面的那篇来猜猜是什么事吧.哈).而今年也没有像在中学时那么地庆祝(也就是说,我没收到那么多的礼物,但那已经不重要了,因为今天我大概想通了一些事).但也有一部分是因为我最希望能祝我生日快乐的人没有祝我.早上赶去升旗礼时你就走在我的旁边,但你却像是没有看到我似的继续走着,直到我开口问你一个问题.突然想起去年夏天(听起来比较诗情画意吧.呵呵.其实是在六月啦),我们兴致勃勃地说着今年的生日计划.没想到半年后,一切都变了.至少对我而言是如此. 我不懂你在想什么,我想我永远都不会懂吧.严格来说,我们算是两个不同世界的人,我们的人生经历是截然不同的.你眼里的世界,是我触及不到的. 再说,我自己都在自相矛盾,我连我对你真正的心意都搞不清楚,我又该怎样面对你呢?还是继续做着陌生人般的普通朋友吧,即使我怀念半年前的那段日子.或许,你已经察觉到有些不对劲,所以才会刻意疏远我,就像你之前所说的那样吧.. 温岚 - 祝我生日快乐 我知道伤心不能改变什么 那么让我诚实一点 诚实 难免有无法控制的宣泄 只有关上了门 不必理谁 一个人坐在空荡包厢里面 手机让它休息一夜 难 想切歌切掉回忆的画面 眼淚不能流过十二点 生日快乐 我对自己说 蜡烛点了 寂寞亮了 生日快乐 淚也融了 我要谢谢你给的 你拿走的一切 还愛你 带一点恨 还有时间 才能平衡 热恋伤痕 幻灭重生 祝我生日快乐 好啦.应该开心点的,虽然说在二十多分钟我的生日就会过了,而离你的生日又减一天.而我还是抱着一丝希望在等待着,不过我看应该是多余的.毕竟,好事都是在最意想不到的情况下发生的,至少对我是如此. 好了,眼睛有点累了.就写到这里吧.明天还要出去的呢! 我想,我是个自私的人吧,所以我才会有那些自私的念头.. 回忆总太拥挤 而我的愛情 好像 那朵云 2333hrs Thursday, January 04, 2007
this is the worst nightmare that can ever happen on me. of all things and of all subjects. PHYSICS?! i'm gonna have the worst birthday mann. =( 2338hrs school officially starts yesterday. was still quite alright lar. think i've sighted about 20 Andersonians so far? is a big number, considering there's only 11 Andersonians in the current batch of J2s. bleah. was commenting to some of my class's girls that the quality for this year's J1s is not that good. hahaha. and then i sighted my first SA eyecandy who kena retained. =x and i think it's kinda scary, cuz i kept seeing Puma accessories everywhere. Puma bag, Puma shoes, Puma shirts etc. even in school i sighted at least 6-7 people carrying Puma bags lar each day for yesterday and today lar. and i didn't see those bags available in Puma shops and Bugis Village! =( schoolwork wise it was alright. i managed to understand Chemistry today and even applied the knowledge during the lecture! lol. and i think my class's timetable is quite rocking. latest lesson think ends at 3.30pm. then we end school at 12.30pm on wednesday! =DD saw my eyecandy while entering the CC for Chemistry lecture today! *^-^* and the blackie eyecandy that i like last year sorta flattened his hair but it's still not bad. but not interested in him le. hahah! i wonder what's in store for me tomorrow, though i've been told that there wouldn't be any cake for me tomorrow. it's alright cuz i dun exactly want to eat so many cakes. (: 1643hrs Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year! okay that's a bit lag, considering today is already the second day of 2007 and school gonna start tomorrow. when i woke up today i'm like, dammit the holiday just went by like that. =x 2006 has been a year of many new experiences. first 3 months at NYJC, 0622, then moving on to SAJC, 06S05, OTC, Aquila Ventures, VBC, AGI comm, POC, OCIP'06 Thailand. seems amazing that i've been through all the stuff. and not to mention all the other miscellanous stuff. and e quarrels and arguments and e happy memories. for me i've learned many things this year. like taking on responsibilities that i've never tried before, managing people, and learning to view people in new angles. i guess i've been a tad too naive in the past, that's why i'm like following people around, not the other way round. need to work on that. ._. surprisingly, i didnt get interested in Project Superstar2 and Singapore Idol 2, which i've gotten crazy when the pilot seasons aired in 2004 and 2005. too busy to watch them i guess. hah. Youtube is a better way to watch the stuff i want. (: anyway cleared my room a teeny weeny bit today and had dinner at Fish&Co Glass House (at Dhoby Ghaut) ytd as a Aquila Ventures New Year party. not that well-done i guess. but i like the cocktail. Fishy Mania! haha. n i need to work on having a better 酒量, cuz my face turned red after drinking 1 glass of cocktail (got tequila, blue curcao, lime & lemon). ha! somehow i'm still get distracted, even when i'm like so turned off cuz of some factors. dammit. need to work on not getting distracted. i suppose i should have a new year resolution list then: New Year Resolutions: 1. Have a better 酒量. (i want Choya! lol) 2. Be a more hardworking student. It's time to pia! =x 3. Become smaller sized. 4. Save money for Taiwan! (target: about 300 bucks?) 5. Not to get distracted. other than those resolutions, there's also wishes like: 1. GO TAIWAN after A's! this is so gonna be on the top of my wishlist. haha! found some people who want to go Taiwan too, though plans haven't been finalised. and the Lonely Planet Taiwan book is so ex! 44++ bucks. dammit. and maybe i can fly over to London after that to visit my aunt. haha! 2. Go for all the matches i wanna see! soccer hockey rugby kayaking (promised jq i would go watch e one at Lower Seletar Reservoir if he's going. haha!) 3. Get Jay's first album. i've been like procrastinating for the past few years while i've gotten like the 3 versions of 飞轮海 first album. lol! and also the other albums on my wishlist too. 4. Hunt for the Puma bag that i like! (i have this feeling it's only available in Taiwan. ytd while on the phone with charissa she said i could have asked her to help me get Puma stuff in HongKong cuz there's really a lot of stuff that cannnot be found in Singapore) 5. My foot to recover! i'm kinda sick of taking e bitter medicine and putting the brown-ish lump of medication onto my foot for the past few weeks. EEK. yeah. (: ohyar changed the blog song from 超喜欢你 to 爱到, a song that i like a lot in 飞轮海's album. i recommend 夏雪, 一个人流浪, 我有我的Young and 请在我后悔之前离开我. and somehow 不死之谜 is getting more pleasant to my ear. haha! 花样少年少女电视原声带 is not bad too. the songs inside are great! (: ytd after the dinner went walking from Dhoby Ghaut to Orchard Road with belynda yanlin zhengyang shaun luke. initially was kinda agreed upon to play pool with zhengyang shaun bryant but that bryant pangsehed us. tsktsk. after walking around Topshop (which announced that it's closing in 15mins' time when we were there), took a train over to City Hall (luke alighted at Dhoby Ghaut to go home) and we walked over to Esplanade. took pictures and talked. i left at 11 plus cuz need to reach home by 12. seriously, i feel a bit lost about my future. cuz i'm not sure whether i can score the grades that would promise me an university education. what if i didn't make it for the benchmark? what could i do? go poly? go overseas (maybe taiwan)? find a job? try again next year? ohwell. that leads down to the conclusion that i need to pia. =( 萧亚轩 - 美丽的插曲 也许是那朵白云 天空才蓝得美丽 因为短暂 因为无意 却难忘记 每次想起你 心还微微叹息 每一个遇见你的梦里 我总迫不及待拥抱你 因为你是我生命美丽插曲 寂寞啊 变成了主题 在人来人往的时间海洋里 我常想你 是否我也是你生命的插曲 只可惜 在你际遇里 回忆总太拥挤 而我的爱情 好像 那朵云 1520hrs |